Tag: Bitcoin
Crypto 2025 Predictions
Cryptocurrencies are ending the year 2024 on a very high note. Here are my top 2025 predictions for adoption, institutions and technology
UniFi update blocking Tor
TLDR: UniFi Network Application 7.4.162 may start blocking Tor, even though the corresponding option is disabled. I just spent a couple hours troubleshooting my Bitcoin Lightning node because suddenly (over night) all channels where down. After a while I realized that, while the Bitcoin node was still connected, it only connected over clearnet and no…
Winklevoss twins file plan for Bitcoin public offering
I wonder if they had planned this Bitcoin ETF all along, or just got scared when they realized how much they own… Winklevoss twins file plan for Bitcoin public offering
Bitcoin: Internationalization’s New Best Friend
Using Bitcoin Anonymously. Bitcoin: Internationalization’s New Best Friend
Unfazed By Bitcoin’s Wild Swings And Mysterious Origins, Silicon Valley VCs Place Their Bets
Unfazed By Bitcoin’s Wild Swings And Mysterious Origins, Silicon Valley VCs Place Their Bets: Bitcoin’s record highs and the ensuring surge in hacking attempts and thefts may be grabbing headlines. However, beneath the chaos, Silicon Valley’s best-known venture firms are finally starting to make real bets around the crypto-currency. Much better than betting in Bitcoins…
The Bitcoin surge is a crisis of faith
The Bitcoin surge is a crisis of faith: Simultaneously [with the Cyprus crisis], the value of BitCoin shot through the roof.Why? Is it because BitCoin is well designed as a replacement for the currency that currently operates enormous economies in seventeen industrialized nations? Could it possibly be used as a replacement for the currency that…
A new currency payment system is about to explode
A new currency payment system is about to explode: The world has tried to create an alternative online currency since the inception of the internet. If it was not worth doing, then why would the world keep trying to do it? […] So it is worth doing, and one day it will happen. […] This…