Category: Social

  • Why Bitcoin is Important

    Why Bitcoin is Important

    Bitcoin is still the best cryptocurrency. Let’s look at what makes Bitcoin different. This is written in simple language so that anyone can read, understand, and explain it to their friends. Let’s dive in! Bitcoin as Sound Money Regular money, like dollars or euros, can lose value over time due to something called inflation. Inflation…



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  • Apple Vision Pro

    Apple Vision Pro

    I’m excited about the possibilities Apple mentioned for the Vision Pro mixed reality headset. It’s getting us closer to the Cyberspace imagined by William Gibson! Imagine a world where many more billions of people live and work with a lot less personal space than we have today. No space for a desk for everyone.…



  • WarGames


    Kommentar Heise: Erstaunlich wie erschreckend: Alle Themen aus “WarGames” sind 40 Jahre später noch aktuell. Noch immer gibt es Passwörter und Wege werden, sie zu ergaunern. Die Angst vor einem Einsatz von Atomraketen bleibt. Szenarien werden von Computern durchgespielt. Eine weitere wichtige Überlegung: Auch wenn bei einem atomaren Angriff nur wenige Minuten Zeit für eine…



  • A decade in Russia

    A decade in Russia

    Can’t believe it’s already 10 years that he’s holed up in Russia, despite everything he said back then turning out to be true! 10 Years After Snowden: Some Things Are Better, Some We’re Still Fighting For



  • Personal Analyst

    Personal Analyst

    This is going to be interesting! Here’s what I asked Ben: What’s going to be next in Social Media, now that Twitter is going the way of MySpace? Consider me your personal analyst



  • Streisand Effect

    Streisand Effect

    From the “things that couldn’t exist without the internet” department… Twenty Years Ago: Barbra Streisand Sued A Photographer And The Streisand Effect Was Born



  • The Dark Side of Technology

    The Dark Side of Technology: I’m going to disrupt the Silicon Valley script. You know the one.  Every talk or article coming out of Silicon Valley follows the prescribed template: start with a dazzling description of awesome new digital technologies and then proceed to explore all the wonderful benefits and opportunities that these technologies will…



  • John Hagel about Innovation at the Edge

    Very thoughtful Interview with John Hagel, done by Stowe Boyd. This is my favorite quote: [About innovation] The design of the workplace, the information have been configured around the process as the center of the action. Our view is the only place to start — having being involved in organizational change for thirty years now,…



  • Data Science of the Facebook World

    Not everybody knows How to Tell a Story with Data: So how does a visual designer tell a story with a visualization? The analysis has to find the story that the data supports. Traditional journalism does this all the time, and journalists have become very good at storytelling with visualization via infographics. In that vein,…



  • Washington State Allows Third Parties To Brand Youthful Offenders For Life At The Low, Low Price Of Only 69¢ A Record

    This is why we need strong data protection globally, not just in CH and EU. Washington State Allows Third Parties To Brand Youthful Offenders For Life At The Low, Low Price Of Only 69¢ A Record.





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