Category: Finance
Crypto 2025 Predictions
Cryptocurrencies are ending the year 2024 on a very high note. Here are my top 2025 predictions for adoption, institutions and technology
Are NFTs securities?
New perspective that I haven’t heard before, better explains why quite a few respectable people argue that (many) NFTs are securities. Great newsletter as usual by Matt Levine. I like to explain crypto initial coin offerings by saying that “they’re like if the Wright Brothers sold air miles to finance inventing the airplane,” so here’s…
Custody & Post-Trade-Infrastructure
Die HSLU bietet ab Oktober 2023 mit dem CAS Crypto Finance & Cryptocurrencies wieder die Gelegenheit, sich in diesem wichtigen Bereich mit Expertenwissen weiterzubilden. Ich werde das Themen Custody und Post-Trade-Infraktruktur vertiefen, und freue mich jetzt schon wieder auf die anregenden Diskussionen, wenn wir ausgehend von der SWIFT-Architektur herführen, wie das heute und morgen auf…
Doxx through Bankruptcy
This is bad! They worked out more than 15,000 personal crypto wallets from last year’s Celsius filing — all tied to real names.Celsius filing revealed 15,000 personal crypto wallets holding $3 billion at their peak
Local Control
The SEC is done playing:– all US assets must be managed in the US– new wallets that only Binance US employees have access to– US customers can still withdraw funds This is similar to what FINMA would require from Swiss Banks. Except control would not have to be exclusively in Switzerland, under normal circumstances. Binance,…
BlackRock Bitcoin ETF
Sounds fantastic. In the middle of the SEC lawsuit, that’s either very strong by BlackRock – or an oversight by their middle management 🤷 BlackRock Filed Bitcoin ETF Application, Leveraging Coinbase Custody
Limits of DeFi
Fully automated DeFi is fine as long as it’s within defined boundary conditions. Outside those, you rely on manual interventions – same as in TradFi. Good for these folks to have a DAO process that enables this, even though it’s crude and likely wasn’t intended for this use case 🤷 BNB Chain team prepares to…
Bitcoin Insurance
Sounds great at first sight, but then I wonder: what’s different in this setting from any other cold storage provider? And what do they need the funding for? Bitcoin-Denominated Life Insurance Provider Sets Up Shop With $19M Funding