Good day, I’m Markus Perdrizat and on the internet I frequently go by maol. I work on and invest in crypto infrastructure products. Here’s my about paragraph:

Markus Perdrizat is an independent advisor bridging DeFi and TradFi with ACK Consulting Knowledge. He is a crypto infrastructure product leader and with 25 years experience building and operating complex systems and business models at the intersection of emerging technologies and traditional finance. Markus has extensive expertise in Blockchain Technology, Operations, Cybersecurity and GRC. Markus entered crypto professionally when he built up PwC’s Blockchain Competence Center 2016-2020. Afterwards, he was CEO Swiss Crypto Vault and became Chief Product Officer and Head Custody Bitcoin Suisse when the two companies merged. Since 2020 Markus is chair of the CVA Cybersecurity working group and teaches Crypto Infrastructure at HSLU and CCFE. He holds a Bachelor’s in Business Information Systems.

All posts on this website are written by me.

If you’re curious about the blog name – I’m happy to share some speculations on what it may mean, but preferably over a drink or two 😉

Earlier Incarnations of the Blog

This blog has seen a number of changes in the last years. It started in 2000 in English, switched to German in 2003, and back to English and a more technical focus in 2010.

Since 2023, musings and one liners

The recent changes at Twitter are leading me back to blogging.

2016 – 2023, dormant

I fully moved to Twitter @maol, with no blog updates.

2010 – 2016, maol absurdus ordinarius logicus

The blog is my way of staying up to date on interesting topic, mostly related to enterprise technologies, the social web, and security. Occasionally with commentary. Do you know Latin? Tell me what the title means!

2008 – 2010, maol Jeopardy! (German)

Die Artikel folgen dem Jeopardy!-Format von Antwort-Frage. Das hat den Vorteil, dass die Artikel so angenehm kurz bleiben, da Markus feststellen musste, dass er sowieso keine Zeit hatte, um längere Artikel zu veröffentlichen 😉

2003 – 2008, maol symbolisch (German)

Nach dem Rücktritt von Symlink wurde das Blog als maol symbolisch von 2003 bis Anfang 2008 ziemlich aktiv geführt, und die Themen Oracle (DB), Social Networks, System Engineering und Web 2.0 in rund 900 Artikeln abgedeckt.

Die Kommentare zu den Artikeln konnten eine Weile (2003/04) nach dem Wiki-Prinzip von jedermann geschrieben, geändert und gelöscht werden. Wer sich durch einen Kommentar in seinen Rechten oder Gefühlen verletzt sieht, soll bitte Markus unter [email protected] kontaktieren.

2000 – 2003

In the early years, the blog name and URL changed a couple times until it went live on More activity went into founding and growing Symlink in these years, so not too many posts on my personal blog in this period.


I can be reached at [email protected] or on Twitter @maol. And LinkedIn also has my contact details.


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