Category: Technology

  • Password Nihilism

    Password Nihilism

    Password nihilism is understanding that sites have shit complexity requirements and shit password storage, and then not giving a shit because you recognize that none of it matters. Passwords, but make it nihilism



  • Crypto is not easy

    Crypto is not easy

    Don’t trust, verify – especially when apps make incredibly claims. This time about encrypted messaging. Testing a new encrypted messaging app’s extraordinary claims



  • Knuth about Chat GPT

    Knuth about Chat GPT

    Donald Knuth, Computer Science legend, looked into Chat GPT and concluded: I shall devote my time to developing concepts that are authentic and trustworthy. And I hope you do the same



  • The Dark Side of Technology

    The Dark Side of Technology: I’m going to disrupt the Silicon Valley script. You know the one.  Every talk or article coming out of Silicon Valley follows the prescribed template: start with a dazzling description of awesome new digital technologies and then proceed to explore all the wonderful benefits and opportunities that these technologies will…



  • Hadoop 2013 – Performance, Projects, Platforms, Players

    I earmarked this series for writing about it, just wanted to wait for part four to be published… and somehow totally missed it in my feed, until I remembered and decided to check back today… so without further ado, here you go! Hadoop 2013 – Part One: Performance Hadoop 2013 – Part Two: Projects Hadoop…



  • The Google Cloud Platform Q&A

    GCE explained quick and dirty: The Google Cloud Platform Q&A: While the bulk of the attention at Google I/O last week, at least in terms of keynote airtime, was devoted to improvements to user-facing projects like Android and Chrome, the Cloud team had announcements of their own. Most obviously, the fact that the Google Compute…



  • Interview With A Blackhat

    Fascinating interview with a (former) blackhat: One ‘blackhat,’ who asked to be called Adam, that I have spoken to a lot has recently says he’s decided to go legit. During this life-changing transition, he offered to give an interview so that the rest of the security community could learn from his point of view. Not…



  • Big Data and the Bright Future of Applied Statistics

    I couldn’t help but think of these two together, because I happened to read them within hours. The bright future of applied statistics: I think that the data revolution is just getting started. Datasets are currently being, or have already been, collected that contain, hidden in their complexity, important truths waiting to be discovered. These discoveries will…



  • People are lazy, and Finding Your Flow and Motivation

    People are lazy. Here’s how I get shit done.: I am lazy.  If there is a shortcut I will take it.  I love feeling accomplished, but I don’t always love the hard work it takes to get there. Finding Your Flow and Motivation: In the past the hurricane days were exception.  And when those days…



  • EMC and the 7 Dwarves

    Good wrap up of the big iron storage industry. EMC and the 7 dwarves – part 1 and EMC and the 7 dwarves – pt 2: EMC has been gaining marketshare over the last several years. The world’s largest data storage company is getting larger. […] EMC’s position is analogous to IBM’s in the 70s:…




