Category: Technology

  • My Sony DSC-S75 works with Linux

    Yippeeh, my Sony DSC-S75 works with Linux! I can read from it’s MemoryStick when I connect it with USB. Had to patch to kernel because it uses some different device ID than all the other DSC-Sxx from Sony. Now I really really have to find a thumbnail app I’d like to use. What else is…



  • 24/7 connection

    Yo man, I got a 24/7 connection now, and is always online. Hopefully I get a static IP soon and then I’ll be able to host top level domains like Don’t return here, this site won’t be updated anymore, see you there!



  • ETH slab HOWTO

    Started the ETH slab HOWTO [ projects ] and added some search facilities to [ MIL ]



