Paul Carr, who luckily is a much better writer than I’ll ever be, has quit all the social and web 2.0 stuff to focus on his blog (and book, but that doesn’t count for me) again. Read about some first experiences in Thnks Fr Th Mmrs: The Rise Of Microblogging, The Death Of Posterity, and then a 2nd update after also quitting Twitter on Wow. If You Think Quitting Booze Freaks People Out, Wait ‘Til You Quit Twitter.
It’s good to read all of this, and I could relate very much especially to the first article, because that’s exactly what lead to my leaving of Facebook, Twitter etc. on July 1st this year. And I don’t miss it. Although I have to admit that I didn’t go as far as Paul – I didn’t delete my accounts, I’m just ignoring them for now.
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