Der Execupundit greift für einmal ein populäres Thema von der anderen Seite her an… When Micromanagement is Appropriate:
Micromanagement is appropriate when:
- It is an exception and not the rule.
- A system is not in place to address the issue.
- A system is in place but it would be senseless to follow the usual procedures.
- Management needs to send a message about priorities and urgency.
- Management needs to use its involvement as a form of training.
- After micromanagement is used, a Lessons Learned session is held to examine how similar matters in the future can be handled without the heavy involvement of the boss.
Ich liebe vor allem die letzte Regel, wo es um die Überführung von Lessons Learned ins Daily Business geht. Dieser Aspekt geht leider viel zu oft vergessen. Ohne diese Überführung würde Micromanagement aber bald zur Regel, was wiederum der ersten Regel widerspricht.
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