Tag: Predictions

  • IBM predicts that steampunk will be totally hip this year

    IBM predicts that steampunk will be totally hip this year: We’re not quite sure when IBM started making proclamations on the future of fashion, but here we have it: the company’s “Social Sentiment Index” has declared 2013 the year of steampunk. The danger of small numbers… the increase quickly, and suddenly you think there’s a…



  • 2011 Predictions

    This is the time of the year where everybody is speculating about the next year, so here’s a quick wrap-up of the Data industry’s predictions, in no particular order: TDWI Ramon Chen of RainStor Curt Monash of DBMS2 Noel Yuhanna of Forrester RainStor Informatica Progress DataDirect Riverlogic Steve Sarsfield of Talend That should give you…



