Tag: MPP

  • Exadata Performance Architect moving to EMC’s Greenplum

    Now that’s a thing: Kevin Closson Joins EMC Data Computing Division To Focus On Greenplum Performance Engineering! Kevin’s been the public voice of Exadata in the blogosphere for much of four years, so that’s quite a loss for the folks at Oracle. And a big win for EMC, I would say. Good luck, Kevin!



  • Teradata acquiring Aster Data

    This just came in: Teradata acquiring Aster Data. Database consolidation wars is full speed ahead, last month, it was HP acquiring Vertica, last year IBM bought Netezza, and EMC bought Greenplum. So within six months, the four biggest and most promising MPP DB vendors have found a new owner.



  • Sybase IQ PlexQ Distributed Query Platform

    Sybase announced their implementation of MPP in Sybase IQ, PlexQ(TM) Distributed Query Platform, as part of the recent Sybase IQ 15.3 Beta release. They’re talking about Redefining MPP, and ‘MPP done right’. They will use several or all nodes to process a query, but still rely on shared storage. Sounds as if they’re directly pitching…



  • What’s Essential – And What’s Not – In Big Data Analytics

    Very good article about What’s Essential – And What’s Not – In Big Data Analytics. Starts with a Big Data Analytics overview, then dives into the columnar vs. row based DBs debate (only to find that that’s ultimately not generally important, as all these systems are built to scale, and it depends on your data…



  • How to Improve the Resilience of your MPP Sharding

    By now you’ve probably heard of Foursquare’s MongoDB outage, leading to several hours of downtime a couple weeks ago (if not, check the post mortems of Foursquare and MongoDB). The High Scalability blog now takes a look at Sharding in general, explains what it is, defines sharding trouble categories, and finally suggests how to deal…



