Mumps: the proto-database (or how to build your own NoSQL database):
I think that one of the problems with Mumps as a database technology, and something that many people don’t like about the Mumps database is that it is a very basic and low-level engine, without any of the frills and value-added things that people expect from a database these days.
Interesting, these guys have been around for decades, yet (almost) nobody is using them as foundation for their own NoSQL store? Maybe here’s why –A Case of the MUMPS:
You may not realize it, but the majority of us developers have been living a sheltered professional life. Sure, we’ve got that living disaster of a C++ application and that ridiculous interface between PHP and COBOL written by the boss, but I can assure you, that all pales in comparison to what many, less fortunate programmers have to work with each day. These programmers remain mostly forgotten, toiling away at a dead-end career maintaining ancient information systems whose ridiculously shoddy architecture is surpassed only by the tools used to create it. Bryan H lived in such a world for over two years. Specifically, he worked at a “MUMPS shop.”
Via myNoSQL.
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