Cloudera who? Intel announces its own Hadoop distribution

Cloudera who? Intel announces its own Hadoop distribution:

Hadoop is a juggernaut when it comes to big data. Intel is a juggernaut when it comes to data center infrastructure. Its decision to enter into the open source software market is a big one for the chip company, for the Hadoop ecosystem and for the myriad startups playing in this space.

Plus Project Rhino: Enhanced Data Protection for the Apache Hadoop Ecosystem:

As the Apache Hadoop ecosystem extends into new markets and sees new use cases with security and compliance challenges, the benefits of processing sensitive and legally protected data with Hadoop must be coupled with protection for private information that limits performance impact. Project Rhino is our open source effort to enhance the existing data protection capabilities of the Hadoop ecosystem to address these challenges, and contribute the code back to Apache.

Via myNoSQL.



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