Schon das neueste gehört? Oracle hat Sun dafür bezahlt, dass sie MySQL kaufen, und beerdigen. Sagt wenigstens die berühmteste Gerüchteküche seit es PCs gibt, John C. Dvorak, in The Sun-MySQL deal stinks:
I’m close to being convinced that Oracle wanted to buy MySQL to kill the product, but knew that it couldn’t pull off the stunt itself. It would be too obvious, especially to European Union regulators. So it sent in a stooge to do the job.
The two companies, Sun and Oracle, have been strategic partners for years. On top of that, Sun cannot actually afford to spend a $1 billion on a company producing a mere $60 million in revenue and working outside its core competencies.
Via Eye on Oracle: Tech pundit thinks Oracle had a hand in MySQL deal. Ja, das wär wirklich mal was!
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