Tag: Security
You’ve been hacked, what now?
You work for a crypto company, project or DAO and someone alerts you that you’ve been hacked. What do you do next? Here’s a quick emergency cheat sheet.
Custom USB sticks bypassing Windows 7/8′s AutoRun protection measure going mainstream
Physical security is still key. Custom USB sticks bypassing Windows 7/8′s AutoRun protection measure going mainstream
Oracle’s July 2013 CPU Oracle Database Server Risk Matrix
Oracle’s July 2013 CPU Oracle Database Server Risk Matrix is one of the worst in recent history. Go patching!
Honing your presentation skills for security awareness
Address all senses: Hearing, Seeing, Feeling. Honing your presentation skills for security awareness
Why the FBI’s plan to require weak security in all American technology is a terrible, terrible idea
Bruce Schneier: Why the FBI’s plan to require weak security in all American technology is a terrible, terrible idea
Dataguise Presents 10 Best Practices for Securing Sensitive Data in Hadoop
Dataguise Presents 10 Best Practices for Securing Sensitive Data in Hadoop. Yeah, you gotta hop over to read it at myNoSQL…
New Amazon CloudHSM service vows enterprise-grade security
New Amazon CloudHSM service vows enterprise-grade security: Amazon Web Services runs on tons and tons of shared hardware. That’s a huge benefit in terms of cost but also spooks customers with strict regulatory requirements that prevent them from running their applications on shared infrastructure. […] CloudHSM could make regulation-constrained companies and agencies more comfortable entrusting…
Going Bright: Wiretapping without Weakening Communications Infrastructure
Going Bright: Wiretapping without Weakening Communications Infrastructure: Mobile IP-based communications and changes in technologies have been a subject of concern for law enforcement, which seeks to extend current wiretap design requirements for digital voice networks. Such an extension would create considerable security risks as well as seriously harm innovation. Exploitation of naturally occurring bugs in…
Google Wants Your Next Password To Be A Physical One
Google Wants Your Next Password To Be A Physical One: New research from Google suggests what we all likely know to be true – your pet’s name followed by a few numbers just isn’t cutting it as a password these days. Google Declares War on the Password: Want an easier way to log into your…