Tag: Risk
Honing your presentation skills for security awareness
Address all senses: Hearing, Seeing, Feeling. Honing your presentation skills for security awareness
Managing the People Side of Risk
Good McKinsey article about how to create a powerful risk culture without turning the organization upside down, and some related thoughts by Chris Skinner.
Managing the people side of risk:
The most effective risk managers we have observed act quickly to move risk issues up the chain of command as they emerge, breaking through rigid governance mechanisms to get the right experts involved whether or not, for example, they sit on a formal risk-management committee.… Continued
Cloud’s risks spur ‘notorious nine’ threats for 2013
Cloud’s risks spur ‘notorious nine’ threats for 2013:
The top three threats this year are data breaches, data loss and account hijacking. In 2010, the top three were abuse of cloud services, insecure interfaces and APIs, and malicious insiders.… Continued