Tag: NoSQL

  • Google’s Megastore

    I don’t think I’ve written about Google’s Megastore yet, so here’s a quick summary of worthwile resources. Megastore is the data engine supporting the Google Application Engine. It’s a scalable structured data store providing full ACID semantics within partitions but lower consistency guarantees across partitions. James Hamilton’s take on Google Megastore: The Data Engine Behind…



  • Necessity is the mother of NoSQL

    The 451 group’s Matt Aslett argues that Necessity is the mother of NoSQL. Necessity is particularly relevant when looking at the history of the NoSQL databases. While it is easy for the incumbent database vendor to dismiss the various NoSQL projects as development playthings, it is clear that the vast majority of NoSQL projects were…



  • MySQL pre-releases integrated Memcached

    MySQL just announced a pre-release snapshot which comes with an integrated Memcached plugin accessing the InnoDB storage engine directly: NoSQL to InnoDB with Memcached The ever-increasing performance demands of web-based services have generated significant interest in providing NoSQL access methods to MySQL. Today, MySQL is announcing the preview of the NoSQL to InnoDB via memcached.…



  • Structure Big Data Roundup

    Good number of articles from Derrick Harris over at GigaOm rounding up the Structure Big Data Conference. First, there’s a look at Hadoop, Cloudera, and alternatives to Cloudera from IBM, DataStax, Hadapt etc. in As Big Data Takes Off, the Hadoop Wars Begin, and second there’s a piece about Why Big Data Startups Should Take…



  • Cloudera’s Olson Says Data Will Transform Industry

    Great Bloomberg interview with Cloudera CEO Mike Olson on open source and big data. Via the 451 group



  • Meet Mapr, a Competitor to Hadoop Leader Cloudera

    Meet Mapr, a Competitor to Hadoop Leader Cloudera. They are said to be building a proprietary replacement for the Hadoop  Distributed File System that’s allegedly three times faster than the  current open-source version. It comes with snapshots and no NameNode  single point of failure (SPOF), and is supposed to be API-compatible  with HDFS, so it…



  • Microsoft Graph DB Trinity

    Microsoft published information about it’s research project Trinity, a hypergraph DB. Trinity is a graph database and computation platform over distributed  memory cloud. As a database, it provides features such as highly  concurrent query processing, transaction, consistency control. As a  computation platform, it provides synchronous and asynchronous  batch-mode computations on large scale graphs. Trinity can…



  • MongoDB 1.8 Released, Supports Journaling for Fast Crash Recovery

    MongoDB 1.8 Released, Supports Journaling for Fast Crash Recovery. See more on the MondoDB Journaling page. Good stuff by the Mongo guys, bringing it one step closer to Enterprise readiness.



  • Acunu NoSQL Appliance

    GigaOm reports that Big Data Startup Acunu Raises Small Funding. These guys (based in London) are building a HW appliance with SSD for a variety of NoSQL stores, currently supporting Cassandra and an Amazon S3 compatible RESTful interface. The Acunu Storage Core is an open source next-generation storage stack built from the ground up for…



  • How Cloudera Became a Leader in BI/Hadoop

    With a flurry of recent BI-oriented partnerships, it’s no surprise Cloudera is attracting so much interest. via How Cloudera Became a Leader in BI/Hadoop



