Tag: Hadoop

  • Hadoop 2013 – Performance, Projects, Platforms, Players

    I earmarked this series for writing about it, just wanted to wait for part four to be published… and somehow totally missed it in my feed, until I remembered and decided to check back today… so without further ado, here you go! Hadoop 2013 – Part One: Performance Hadoop 2013 – Part Two: Projects Hadoop…



  • Hadoop and Splunk Use cases

    Hadoop and Splunk Use cases: The Splunk and Hadoop communities can benefit from each other’s strengths. Below are several examples of customers that use both environments. Splunk is a primary tool used by this company for making use of big data and gaining real-time operational intelligence from their infrastructure. Every vendor should have such a…



  • Pig Eye for the SQL Guy

    Pig Eye for the SQL Guy: For anyone who came of programming age before cloud computing burst its way into the technology scene, data analysis has long been synonymous with SQL. A slightly awkward, declarative language whose production can more resemble logic puzzle solving than coding, SQL and the relational databases it builds on have…



  • Cloudera who? Intel announces its own Hadoop distribution

    Cloudera who? Intel announces its own Hadoop distribution: Hadoop is a juggernaut when it comes to big data. Intel is a juggernaut when it comes to data center infrastructure. Its decision to enter into the open source software market is a big one for the chip company, for the Hadoop ecosystem and for the myriad…



  • EMC to Hadoop competition: “See ya, wouldn’t wanna be ya.”

    EMC to Hadoop competition: “See ya, wouldn’t wanna be ya.”: EMC Greenplum rolled out a new Hadoop distribution that fuses the popular big data platform with its flagship MPP database technology. Co-founder Scott Yara thinks the company’s huge investment puts it in the catbird seat among Hadoop vendors. Greenplum HAWQ: yet another Hadoop distribution, this…



  • Impala: Cloudera makes SQL a first-class citizen in Hadoop

    Cloudera makes SQL a first-class citizen in Hadoop: Not content to watch its competitors leave it in the dust, veteran big data startup Cloudera is fundamentally changing the face of its flagship Hadoop distribution into something much more appealing. Monash also writes about it: Quick notes on Impala and More on Cloudera Impala.



  • Hadapt v2 – Adaptive Analytic Platform

    The future is hybrid, kind of like SQL and NoSQL combined. Which is what NoSQL stands for, according to some: Not Only SQL 😉 Hadapt is betting big on hybrid being a requirement for analytic platforms, and Curt Monash nicely sums up the new v2 offering that should be available next quarter. Hadapt+Hadoop is positioned…



  • For fast, interactive Hadoop queries, Drill may be the answer

    Drill is Apache’s Dremel. In the era of big data, there is increasing demand for ever-faster ways to analyze — preferably in an interactive way — information sitting in Hadoop. Now the Apache Foundation is backing an open-source version of Dremel, the tool Google uses for these jobs, as a way to bring that speedy…



  • Now it’s VMware’s turn: Meet Spring Hadoop

    Now it’s VMware’s turn: Meet Spring Hadoop. MapReduce in Spring, MapReduce in Excel… exciting times!



  • Microsoft’s Hadoop play is shaping up, and it includes Excel

    Microsoft’s Hadoop play is shaping up, and it includes Excel. Curious to see how the marriage of Excel and Hadoop is going to work out.



