MySQL and the forks in the road
MySQL and the forks in the road:
At the beginning of 2008 Sun Microsystems purchased MySQL AB, and ever since then there have been divisions in the ecosystem. As with any software community or ecosystem, where there are divisions there are usually forks, both in the community and the software itself.… Continued
When is “ACID” ACID? Rarely!
ACID and NewSQL databases rarely provide true ACID guarantees by default, if they are supported at all
Not even Oracle or DB2 provide full ACID (in distributed scenarios at least).
Updated Database Landscape Map
Updated database landscape graphic:
I recently published an updated version but noted that there were a group of database vendors that had emerged in 2012 that didn’t easily fit into the segments we’d created.
It’s so much better… Good overview for anybody interested in understanding the DB world beyond just whatever one or two products or technologies they already know.
SQL Server 2008 SP3 is now available!
SQL Server 2008 SP3 is now available!
A few customers requested updates in Microsoft SQL Server 2008 SP3 are:
- Enhanced upgrade experience from previous versions of SQL Server to SQL Server 2008 SP3. In addition, we have increased the performance & reliability of the setup experience.
Oracle doing Hadoop and NoSQL
Oracle docs show plans for Hadoop, NoSQL about the Oracle Loader for Hadoop, and Added Session: Big Data Appliance about Oracle’s Big Data Appliance.
MongoDB used in SAP’s PaaS Offering
And another one leaving the relational world for their DBaaS offering. It’s probably easier to manage as a service than Oracle…
Today SAP announced that they are using MongoDB as a core component of SAP’s platform-as-a-service (PaaS) offering.… Continued
Oracle Database Appliance
Exadata Mini is the Oracle DB Appliance (ODBA?), as Oracle announced now.
It turns out that Oracle’s new small appliance isn’t really an Exadata Mini-Me. Rather, the Oracle Database Appliance is — well, it seems to be a box with an Oracle DBMS in it.… Continued
Focus on Big Data and Exadata Mini
Oracle Openworld must be close, because the rumour mill starts heating up… Piper Jaffray is predicting that Oracle will release an Exadata Mini machine that will fit under ones desk (via DBMS2). And Jean-Pierre Dijcks compiled a list of Big Data related sessions at Openworld, Big Data may very well be the key note topic, I hear, so it’s worth spending some time at these sessions.
Sybase ASE 15.7 Released
Some Sybase PR about their latest release: Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.7 Boosts Performance and Lowers Cost of Managing Exploding Data Volumes
ASE 15.7 further reduces cost of operations by simplifying administration and enhancing system security, providing a database manager that remains easy to manage while protecting against intrusion.… Continued