Tag: MySQL

  • MySQL and the forks in the road

    MySQL and the forks in the road: At the beginning of 2008 Sun Microsystems purchased MySQL AB, and ever since then there have been divisions in the ecosystem. As with any software community or ecosystem, where there are divisions there are usually forks, both in the community and the software itself. MySQL history lesson.



  • NoSQL on MySQL 5.6: Stating the Obvious

    NoSQL on MySQL: stating the obvious: Some of the NoSQL vendors seemed to have stirred up a mild controversy with their reactions to the launch of NoSQL access to InnoDB in MySQL 5.6 and their suggestions that NoSQL access is only a part of the NoSQL story. First they ignore you, then they laugh at…



  • MySQL version history, and NoSQL

    MySQL version history: I’ve created a graph about the MySQL version history. It’s mysql-graph-history on github. Please let me know if this is correct or if I’m forgetting some versions. And while we’re talking about MySQL, here’s Monty Widenius About NoSQL, Big Data, and Obvioulsy MySQL and MariaDB, and Mr myNoSQL is tearing into some…



  • Commercial Extensions for MySQL

    Oracle’s MySQL Blog reports about New Commercial Extensions for MySQL Enterprise Edition: MySQL 5.5 GA and MySQL 5.6 Development Milestone Releases have delivered many new compelling features to the MySQL users and community for testing, feedback and use. In addition, commercial customers have access to a number of commercial extensions already included in MySQL Enterprise…



  • State of the MySQL Ecosystem

    Brian Aker wrote a good article about MySQL, State of the Ecosystem on his blog. Glad to see a key figure for MySQL be positive about the future of the ecosystem!



  • MySQL pre-releases integrated Memcached

    MySQL just announced a pre-release snapshot which comes with an integrated Memcached plugin accessing the InnoDB storage engine directly: NoSQL to InnoDB with Memcached The ever-increasing performance demands of web-based services have generated significant interest in providing NoSQL access methods to MySQL. Today, MySQL is announcing the preview of the NoSQL to InnoDB via memcached.…



  • Using MySQL as NoSQL

    Using MySQL as a NoSQL – A story for exceeding 750,000 qps on a commodity server – how to almost achieve double the Memcached performance using a MySQL UDF that bypasses the SQL layer, talks directly to the InnoDB layer. Wonder if the SQL overhead is similar in Oracle or MS SQL Server, and how…



  • MongoDB is Web Scale

    Hilarious Movie: MongoDB is Web Scale! Via MyNoSQL.



  • Oracle hinter Sun/MySQL-Deal

    Schon das neueste gehört? Oracle hat Sun dafür bezahlt, dass sie MySQL kaufen, und beerdigen. Sagt wenigstens die berühmteste Gerüchteküche seit es PCs gibt, John C. Dvorak, in The Sun-MySQL deal stinks: I’m close to being convinced that Oracle wanted to buy MySQL to kill the product, but knew that it couldn’t pull off the…



