Tag: MongoDB
MongoDB used in SAP’s PaaS Offering
And another one leaving the relational world for their DBaaS offering. It’s probably easier to manage as a service than Oracle…
Today SAP announced that they are using MongoDB as a core component of SAP’s platform-as-a-service (PaaS) offering.… Continued
MongoDB 1.8 Released, Supports Journaling for Fast Crash Recovery
MongoDB 1.8 Released, Supports Journaling for Fast Crash Recovery. See more on the MondoDB Journaling page. Good stuff by the Mongo guys, bringing it one step closer to Enterprise readiness.
How to Improve the Resilience of your MPP Sharding
By now you’ve probably heard of Foursquare’s MongoDB outage, leading to several hours of downtime a couple weeks ago (if not, check the post mortems of Foursquare and MongoDB). The High Scalability blog now takes a look at Sharding in general, explains what it is, defines sharding trouble categories, and finally suggests how to deal with your troubled shards.… Continued
MongoDB is Web Scale
Hilarious Movie: MongoDB is Web Scale!