Meet Mapr, a Competitor to Hadoop Leader Cloudera
Meet Mapr, a Competitor to Hadoop Leader Cloudera. They are said to be building a proprietary replacement for the Hadoop Distributed File System that’s allegedly three times faster than the current open-source version. It comes with snapshots and no NameNode single point of failure (SPOF), and is supposed to be API-compatible with HDFS, so it…
Microsoft Graph DB Trinity
Microsoft published information about it’s research project Trinity, a hypergraph DB. Trinity is a graph database and computation platform over distributed memory cloud. As a database, it provides features such as highly concurrent query processing, transaction, consistency control. As a computation platform, it provides synchronous and asynchronous batch-mode computations on large scale graphs. Trinity can…
Intel’s McAfee Acquires Sentrigo To Boost Database Security Offerings
Intel’s McAfee Acquires Sentrigo To Boost Database Security Offerings. That’s not surprising, given that Sentrigo has the best product in that space. Oracle already acquired Secerno last year, so other vendors now have to build their portfolio. Dave DeWalt, president of McAfee said of the acquisition: McAfee is continuing to broaden its security portfolio to…
MongoDB 1.8 Released, Supports Journaling for Fast Crash Recovery
MongoDB 1.8 Released, Supports Journaling for Fast Crash Recovery. See more on the MondoDB Journaling page. Good stuff by the Mongo guys, bringing it one step closer to Enterprise readiness.
Survey Shows Poor Performance of Cloud Applications Delays Cloud Adoption
Check this. Fun the read, quick to forget. Compuware Corporation today announced the findings of a cloud performance survey conducted by Vanson Bourne. The survey of 677 businesses in North America and Europe examined the impact application performance has on cloud application strategy and deployments. The survey reveals that the majority of organizations in both…
Machine Generated Data
Curt Monash has been trying to define Machine Generated Data (but Daniel Abadi doesn’t fully agree) because machine generated data is what’ll be fuelling a lot of the future growth of DB systems. Understanding MGD and its growth pattern will help design next gen DBMS. Funny enough a recent Economist piece, It’s a smart world,…
2011 Predictions
This is the time of the year where everybody is speculating about the next year, so here’s a quick wrap-up of the Data industry’s predictions, in no particular order: TDWI Ramon Chen of RainStor Curt Monash of DBMS2 Noel Yuhanna of Forrester RainStor Informatica Progress DataDirect Riverlogic Steve Sarsfield of Talend That should give you…
EDW Without A Database?
Forrester’s James Kobelius asks: An Enterprise Data Warehouse Without A Database—Is That Even Conceivable? Turns out the discussion is more around RDBMS vs. non-relational DBMS such as Hadoop, and he’s suggesting that we’ll see a rise of non-relational systems because of the rise of less structured content. Forrester’s school of thought also marks it perfectly…