Tag: CPU
Oracle Critical Patch Update July 2008 Pre-Release Analysis
April 2008 Critical Patch Update Released
Oracle Critical Patch Update January 2008
Das Oracle Critical Patch Update – January 2008 ist raus, und ich denke, wir Datenbänker können aufschnaufen. Betroffen sind praktisch nur Add-On Komponenten wie XML-DB, Advanced Queuing, Spatial und UltraSearch. Einzig DB05 betrifft Upgrade/Downgrade, und ist über Oracle Net exploitable.… Continued
Critical Patch Update January 2008 Pre-Release Announcement
Das Oracle Critical Patch Update Pre-Release Announcement – January 2008 ist da, und alle Experten schreiben dasselbe:
- Zum ersten Mal mit 11g Patches
- Nur 8 DB Patches, kein Remote Exploit
- Aber einer davon kritisch (CVSS 2 Rating von 6.5)
Die Experten sind: Sven Vetter, Alex Kornbrust, und Stephen Kost.… Continued
Oracle Security Patching Survey
David Litchfield in einer Mail an dbsec:
I’m seeking answers from Oracle DBAs and professionals about their feelings on security patches was hoping as many of you as possible would take the time to answer the 6 questions here : http://www.databasesecurity.com/survey.htm – I’d really appreciate it!… Continued
Critical Patch Update October 2007 Pre-Release Announcement
Oracle hat das Critical Patch Update October 2007 Pre-Release Announcement veröffentlicht, und Stephen Kost von Integrigy hat es analysiert:
There are 5 remotely exploitable without authentication vulnerabilities, which are not typical of previous database vulnerabilities.… Continued
Oracle CPUs – Do We Care?
Slavik fragt sich: Oracle CPUs – Do We Care?
[…] do we care about Oracle CPUs at all? Oracle was getting a lot of heat from security researchers for not providing security patches or providing them with irregular intervals. Finally, Oracle is stepping up to the plate with the patches.… Continued
Oracle CPU Announcement – April 2007
Oracle hat den Oracle CPU April 2007 released. Die befürchtete Schwemme an ultrakritischen Vulnerabilities ist auf Windows beschränkt, wenigstens was die Datenbank betrifft.
Oracle CPU Pre-Release Announcement – April 2007
Das Oracle Critical Patch Update Pre-Release Announcement – April 2007 ist da. Viel weniger Vulnerabilities als gewöhnlich, aber dafür in praktisch jedem Produkt inklusive der Datenbank zwei remotely exploitable, and authentication not required vulnerabilities, also klassiche Remote Exploits, die sofort gepatcht werden müssen.… Continued