Tag: Colossus
MapReduce and Hadoop Future
Following up on Google dumping MapReduce, there are now a couple articles available that shed more light onto that decision and what it means for MapReduce. Go read MapReduce and Hadoop Future and then Google’s Dremel – or, Can MapReduce Itself Handle Fast, Interactive Querying? for additional thoughts on why Google’s decision isn’t the end…
Colossus: Google dumps MapReduce in favor of BigTable
El Reg has an exclusive interview with Eisar Lipkovitz, a senior director of engineering at Google, who states that their recent search engine update “Caffeine” moves Google’s back-end indexing system away from MapReduce and onto BigTable. Colossus is apparently their codename for v2 of GFS. Todd Hoffs then provides some further analysis in Google’s Colossus…