Tag: Cloudera

  • Yahoo Mulls Spinoff for Hadoop Software Unit

    Yahoo is considering to turn Hadoop into a business, as reported by the Wall Street Journal. Ovum’s Tony Baer has a more detailed analysis at his blog in Yahoo to Hadoop: Show me the Money. In the long run, we also expect IBM to make a stab at Hadoop and related technologies by extending its…



  • Structure Big Data Roundup

    Good number of articles from Derrick Harris over at GigaOm rounding up the Structure Big Data Conference. First, there’s a look at Hadoop, Cloudera, and alternatives to Cloudera from IBM, DataStax, Hadapt etc. in As Big Data Takes Off, the Hadoop Wars Begin, and second there’s a piece about Why Big Data Startups Should Take…



  • Cloudera’s Olson Says Data Will Transform Industry

    Great Bloomberg interview with Cloudera CEO Mike Olson on open source and big data. Via the 451 group



  • Meet Mapr, a Competitor to Hadoop Leader Cloudera

    Meet Mapr, a Competitor to Hadoop Leader Cloudera. They are said to be building a proprietary replacement for the Hadoop  Distributed File System that’s allegedly three times faster than the  current open-source version. It comes with snapshots and no NameNode  single point of failure (SPOF), and is supposed to be API-compatible  with HDFS, so it…



  • How Cloudera Became a Leader in BI/Hadoop

    With a flurry of recent BI-oriented partnerships, it’s no surprise Cloudera is attracting so much interest. via How Cloudera Became a Leader in BI/Hadoop



  • Teradata, Cloudera team up on Hadoop data warehousing

    Does anybody remember as far back as two months ago? That’s when I asked All these connectors being announced makes me think there’s somebody out there with a matrix of RDBMS and NoSQL systems, looking at which combinations don’t have a marketable connector yet so he can be first to market. Now we have another…



  • Simplification Through Specialization

    Ramon Chen’s post Simplification Through Specialization (later repeated on the Rainstor blog) rang quite a bell with me, also on the personal level. But here’s why specialization is better for some: If you were going to spend big bucks, you’d expect results and performance to match your use cases and requirements. With Big Data upon…



  • Cloudera connects Netezza and Hadoop

    Cloudera and Netezza Team Up to Bring Hadoop to Customers, so we read. All these connectors being announced makes me think there’s somebody out there with a matrix of RDBMS and NoSQL systems, looking at which combinations don’t have a marketable connector yet so he can be first to market. Via 451 CAOS Theory, and…



  • Hadoop Update

    A slew of updates on Apache Hadoop, nicely compiled by the nice folks at the 451 group: Cloudera launched v3 of its Distribution for Hadoop and released v1 of Cloudera Enterprise. Karmasphere released new Professional and Analyst Editions of its Hadoop development and deployment studio. Talend announced that its Integration Suite now offers native support…



  • Quest to combine Oracle with Hadoop

    Quest to combine Oracle with Hadoop: another one to show that Oracle is the clear market leader, and everybody trying to position themselves around them. Quest Software has announced a new partnership with Cloudera to create an Oracle connector for the Apache Hadoop database. […] The new tool not only handles data transfers, but also…



