Tag: Aster Data
Teradata acquiring Aster Data
This just came in: Teradata acquiring Aster Data. Database consolidation wars is full speed ahead, last month, it was HP acquiring Vertica, last year IBM bought Netezza, and EMC bought Greenplum. So within six months, the four biggest and most promising MPP DB vendors have found a new owner.
Analytics Pissing Contest
Aster Data Founder Mayank Bawa is engaging in an analytics pissing contest with Vertica in Sessionize with Style? …Or How a column-only, SQL-only database and lack of MapReduce, will cramp your style!, all that about a mini-series of Vertica blogs, where a Vertica engineer was pointing out perceived flaws of Aster and Teradata. Let’s sit…
Aster Data with new CEO
Aster Data Appoints New Chief Executive Officer, and current CEO Mayank Bawa will become Chief Customer Officer. I guess every startup has to go through that transition when the founding CEO has to hand over to a more seasoned exec. Wonder if the real motivation is prepping the company to be acquired, after all Quentin…
Simplification Through Specialization
Ramon Chen’s post Simplification Through Specialization (later repeated on the Rainstor blog) rang quite a bell with me, also on the personal level. But here’s why specialization is better for some: If you were going to spend big bucks, you’d expect results and performance to match your use cases and requirements. With Big Data upon…